This post is a quick guide on how to deploy WSO2 API Manager 1.3.1 in an AWS EC2 instance and running operations on it. You can also run API Manager behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) in EC2 instance. The configuration procedure is same as described below, except the public DNS address to be used is the DNS of the ELB in that case.
Requirements: Amazon Web Services account
WSO2 API Manager 1.3.1
1. If you still don't have an AWS account create one as given here. In the account creation process you will need to specify a password and you will be given a Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key which will be needed later for you to connect to your AWS EC2 instance.
2. Using your credentials log in to AWS Management Console and open Amazon EC2 console.
3. Create a new Linux instance by selecting "Launch Instance". Create your new instance by following the steps given in this guide.
In doing this choose ' Ubuntu Server 12.04' as the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) type and 'M1 Medium' as the instance type. Specify relevant key-pair or create a new one. If you create a new key-pair, download this into your computer and make sure you remember where it is located in your machine. (You need this later in this post!)
* Documentation:
System information as of Mon Apr 29 17:48:41 UTC 2013
System load: 0.08 Processes: 59
Usage of /: 32.9% of 7.87GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 32% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0%
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Last login: Mon Apr 29 07:03:15 2013 from
5. As now you are logged into ubuntu instance, consider this as a normal scenario where you work on your local computer. Make a new directory in EC2 instance as apim/ and copy API Manager pack into this EC2 instance.
ubuntu@ip-10-202-151-238:~$ pwd
ubuntu@ip-10-202-151-238:~$ mkdir apim/
Open another terminal and enter command,
scp -i ishara.pem
This will be copying Am 1.3.1 distribution files into the apim/ directory in EC2 instance. Similarly copy JDK 1.6 pack as you needs it to run the API Manager in EC2.
6. Unzip both distributions now. If 'zip' is not installed you will first need to install it. Edit the .bashrc in /home/ubuntu directory and add the path to your JDK ad JAVA_HOME in it.
7. Unzip the API Manager 1.3.1 pack too. In order to start the API Manager server in an outside location we need to configure carbon.xml and api-manager.xml files in AM_HOME/repository/conf directory . The following guide explains how to do this in detail.
API Manager User Guide:
In addition find the following entries in api-manager.xml and specify the values given below.
Note: You need to install 'curl' in EC2 instance to follow the steps in this guide. If there are issues occurs when trying with,
pubname=$(curl 2>/dev/null);
In that case remove the above lines from .bashrc file and manually enter the 'EC2 instance public DNS url' into the places described in the configuration.
For example instead of adding,
<HostName>${}</HostName> in carbom.xml file you can enter as
8. When all these configurations are over, start API Manager from /home/ubuntu/apim/wso2am-1.3.1/bin. Point your browser to,
9. The WSO2 Admin Console for API Manager will be started! You are running AM 1.3.1 in AWS EC2 now :)
Requirements: Amazon Web Services account
WSO2 API Manager 1.3.1
1. If you still don't have an AWS account create one as given here. In the account creation process you will need to specify a password and you will be given a Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key which will be needed later for you to connect to your AWS EC2 instance.
2. Using your credentials log in to AWS Management Console and open Amazon EC2 console.
3. Create a new Linux instance by selecting "Launch Instance". Create your new instance by following the steps given in this guide.
In doing this choose ' Ubuntu Server 12.04' as the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) type and 'M1 Medium' as the instance type. Specify relevant key-pair or create a new one. If you create a new key-pair, download this into your computer and make sure you remember where it is located in your machine. (You need this later in this post!)
- '' (Note that i have changed the digits in my EC2 instance DNS here).
- In here 'isarap.pem' is the keypair file that was downloaded when creating the EC2 instance. is the public DNS address of your instance. - Most probably there will be 'permission denied' error when you try this the first time. This is because there is more permission given for your keypair file when it is created. We need to make to more access restricted. For that use,
- After that when you try to SSH you will be able to successfully connect to your instance in AWS EC2.You will now see the following message which means you are now connected.
ssh -i ishara.pem ubuntu@ec2-00-000-000-000.
chmod 400 ishara.pem
* Documentation:
System information as of Mon Apr 29 17:48:41 UTC 2013
System load: 0.08 Processes: 59
Usage of /: 32.9% of 7.87GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 32% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0%
Graph this data and manage this system at Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest
Use Juju to deploy your cloud instances and workloads.
Last login: Mon Apr 29 07:03:15 2013 from
5. As now you are logged into ubuntu instance, consider this as a normal scenario where you work on your local computer. Make a new directory in EC2 instance as apim/ and copy API Manager pack into this EC2 instance.
ubuntu@ip-10-202-151-238:~$ pwd
ubuntu@ip-10-202-151-238:~$ mkdir apim/
Open another terminal and enter command,
scp -i ishara.pem
This will be copying Am 1.3.1 distribution files into the apim/ directory in EC2 instance. Similarly copy JDK 1.6 pack as you needs it to run the API Manager in EC2.
6. Unzip both distributions now. If 'zip' is not installed you will first need to install it. Edit the .bashrc in /home/ubuntu directory and add the path to your JDK ad JAVA_HOME in it.
7. Unzip the API Manager 1.3.1 pack too. In order to start the API Manager server in an outside location we need to configure carbon.xml and api-manager.xml files in AM_HOME/repository/conf directory . The following guide explains how to do this in detail.
API Manager User Guide:
In addition find the following entries in api-manager.xml and specify the values given below.
Note: You need to install 'curl' in EC2 instance to follow the steps in this guide. If there are issues occurs when trying with,
pubname=$(curl 2>/dev/null);
In that case remove the above lines from .bashrc file and manually enter the 'EC2 instance public DNS url' into the places described in the configuration.
For example instead of adding,
<HostName>${}</HostName> in carbom.xml file you can enter as
8. When all these configurations are over, start API Manager from /home/ubuntu/apim/wso2am-1.3.1/bin. Point your browser to,
9. The WSO2 Admin Console for API Manager will be started! You are running AM 1.3.1 in AWS EC2 now :)